
Being held in the town centre, on open public roads makes Calne Bike Meet a unique event in the motorcycling calendar. The event is free to attend which encourages our whole town to be involved.

The first Calne Bike Meet was held back in 2000 when two local motorcycle enthusiasts and two charity organisers from Calne Rotary invited a few local motorcycle clubs into the town. For the first year or two the meet remained quite small, but it didn’t stay that way for long and soon grew to be recognised as a major event locally, nationally and beyond. After 12 years, the event organisation passed to a dedicated volunteer committee who gather together local clubs, bands and traders to provide an event with something for everyone.

Calne Bike Meet is a force for good, as well as a good day out. As a not-for-profit event, we donate funds raised (after costs) to charities that make a difference to bikers and local community members. We take suggestions for our charities at our AGM, which is an open, public meeting – you’re welcome to join us at the next one to hear how Calne Bike Meet really does make a difference.

Always on the last Saturday of July it should be in your calendar already!

Join us at the next one for great bikes, live music and a warm welcome to our town.

2024 Magazine

For information on what you could see on the day, see our online magazine. Magazines are distributed to Calne residents before the event and are also available as a souvenir on the day.

2023 – The Bikes

2023 – The People

2023 – The Bands